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WOMENS RETREAT - Unlock your life force Level 1

  • Rasbo Kursgård 1 RASBO STRANDET Almunge, Uppsala län, 740 10 Sweden (map)

Would you like to reach your full potential of pleasure & power within yourself?
On this retreat you will get the opportunity to awaken your feminine essence and open up to your sexuality, pleasure and power. You will be guided through experience-based exercises and therapeutic practises to get a deeper contact with what is truly you.

Start to love your gloriously beautiful body just as it is?
Begin to feel sexy, beautiful and radiant as your perfect self?
And reconnect with your sexual energy and let it flow freely in your body and learn how to work on it on a dayily basis?

● De-armouring
● Breathwork
● Sexual energy activation
● Healing through pleasure
● Movement
● Mindset
● Empowerment
● Embodiment
● Sexual healing practices and
Old mystic, magic, tantric, healing techniques

Yes of course, we are also going to dance and shake our lovely asses off a lot! Feel our yummie juiciness and put much more joy into our lives!

May 31- 2 June
Rasbo Kursgård, Almunge Uppsala Swe
SEK 6900:- includes accommodation in double room and food
REGISTRATION: Your spot is reserved when you pay deposit 3000 SEK, and deposit is not refundable. Reserve your spot now by sending one mail to

Linda is a tantric feminine teacher. She is a woman who loves to bring joy into life. She is a coach, breathwork facilitator, body & talk therapist.

"My teaching is based on my own experiences and skills of over 20 years of studies & personal development on co-dependency, inner child work, breathwork and feminine tantric practices. I started as a trained talk therapist and realised through my own personal development that, in order to see faster, better and more profound results, the body needs to be worked on with the mind, this is why I call my work - therapeutic body work.

My passion and mission is to open up people and bodies to their fullest potential and most vibrant life!”

-Love, Linda

26 January

WOMENS RETREAT - Unlock your life force Level 1

6 December

WOMENS RETREAT - Unlock your life force